Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can cancel monthly or yearly membership any time.

Yes, both yearly and monthly membership renew automatically.

For example, if your first payment is on the 15th of the month, your subscription will be automatically charged the 15th of each month.

Sadly, we do not have control over the payment process. If your card was refused, please try with another card.

If it still doesn't work, we encourage you to contact your bank.

No, Paypal is not accepted as a membership payment option at this stage.

No, we do not provide refunds after your transaction has been processed. However, if you believe you were charged unfairly, do not hesitate to contact us at hello@eonyoga.com with the subject "Refund Request" to further assist you with this.

Please send us an email at hello@eonyoga.com and we will do our best to help you in the quickest way possible.